Ex LAB Introduction
"The great Hegelian motif of the path towards truth as part of the truth, of how, in order to arrive at the right choice, one has to begin with the wrong choice, reasserts itself." - Slavoj Žižek
"The highest wisdom would be to understand that every fact is already a theory." - Goethe
Ex LAB's video blog

"I make, remake and unmake my concepts along a moving horizon, from an always decentered centre, from an always displaced periphery which repeats and differenciates them" - Gilles Deleuze

“My exegesis, then, is an attempt to understand my own understanding.” - Philip K. Dick

...if we can only control things by first naming or imaging them.

What is Painting, 1966-1968 :: John Baldessari

Ex LAB 主持人 鍾易庭 攝影 鐘易庭 ExLAB

Hollis Frampton, Two and a Half Minutes of Surface Tension, 1968

“The situation has provided a cue; this cue has given the expert access to information stored in memory, and the information provides the answer. Intuition is nothing more and nothing less than recognition.”
- Herbert Simon
"What we see is not made up of what we are seeing but rather from what we are."
- Fernando Pessoa

Irena Lagator Pejović, Wash Inside Out, 2005

“The notion of an artist working in one style doesn't make any sense." :: Sam Falls

Chris Marker
Sans Soleil


In most cases, it is virtually impossible to grasp a truth in its original form and depict it accurately. This is why we try to grab its tail by luring the truth from its hiding place, transferring it to a fictional location, and replacing it with a fictional form. In order to accomplish this, however, we first have to clarify where the truth lies within us. This is an important qualification for making up good lies. - Haruki Murakami
John Heartfield
John Hawkes

"I began to write fiction on the assumption that the true enemies of the novel were plot, character, setting and theme, and having once abandoned these familiar ways of thinking about fiction, totality of vision or structure was really all that remained."
John Hawkes


A Brief History of John Baldessari
I realized that I had to make the choice to be an artist because only as an artist could I be totally responsible for what I did. The decision to be an artist is the decision to be free. Freedom is the condition of responsibility. I realized that to be an artist is not a question of form or of content, it's a question of responsibility. The decision to be an artist is a decision for the absolute and for eternity. That has nothing to do with romanticism or idealism, it's a question of courage.
-- Thomas Hirschhorn